Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Heidi has Arrived!

Dear Heidi,

Here is the story of your birth. Since you had many visitors flying in from faraway places (California and Utah) we decided to induce labor so that you would be born in time to meet them. Your doctor picked the date, May 3, which was two days before you "due date."
We were SO excited when May 3 rolled around. It had been a long nine months, and we could not believe that it was finally the day that we would meet you. We got up really early on May 3 and drove to the hospital in the dark since our appointment was at 6:30 am. When we got to the hospital, Mommy and Daddy anxiously checked in and were led to our room. Mommy was given medicine to start her labor and so the waiting began! We waited, and waited, and waited. Grammy Sandy arrived later that morning and waited with us. And we waited some more! Finally, later in the afternoon, after walking back and forth down the halls of the hospital and bouncing on the birthing ball...Mommy started to feel some slight contractions. The nurse finally said that I was dilated to a 2.5 at 5pm. I was officially in labor. They gave me more medicine and I kept walking. Auntie Nicole and cousin Cohen and Grandma Jenn stopped by just about this time for a visit. After they left, around things got really painful! The contractions were coming about every 2 minutes and mommy's water broke all over the bed at about 7pm. That is when the action started! Things got more painful that Mommy had ever experienced, and she decided to get some pain medication and an epidural quick before things got any worse. The epidural was amazing! I could hardly feel anything after that, so I took a nap and waited for you to arrive! At 11pm, our favorite doctor, Dr. Buiceag, arrived and it was time to start pushing. After about 50 minutes of pushing, at 11:54pm, you were out...just in time to keep May 3 as your birthday! Mommy cried VERY happy tears when they put you on my chest and you grabbed my finger. You didn't start to cry though, so they took you away from me and said they were going to go "make you mad." You were blue and it was little bit scary, but after a few minutes they sucked all the mucus out of your lungs and you let out a cute little squeaky cry! We were all so relieved. When we held you, we were happier than we had ever been. You were so tiny and beautiful and we could not believe how much hair you had!
Giving birth to you is one of the most wonderful memories I have. When I have bad days, or just simply can't sleep at night, I often think back to the first moment I saw you. You are such a miracle and a true gift from God.
